Presto Peel-a-Meal Electric Potato Peeler

Presto 02905 Peel a Meal Electric Peeler

“Never again.” It’s a pretty good bet those words have been spoken aloud quite often during the past few days. But before we all experienced National Hangover Day on New Year’s Day, we had those pesky resolutions to consider. While there were certainly many utterances banishing fatty and greasy foods to the depths of oblivion, there were likely New Year’s Resolutions that dealt with the holiday season specifically. As in, “Never again will I make a million pounds of mashed potatoes!”

If these words sound familiar, check out the Presto 02905 Peel a Meal Electric Peeler. The electric peeler claims to peel apples, potatoes and more quickly and easily (and most importantly, automatically). If this sounds too good to be true, perhaps it is; reviews are mixed. But at less than $25, it might not hurt to try, and hey, one can always re-gift it if it doesn’t work for you. Better than a Big Mouth Billy Bass (70 bucks!?!).

Double Dipping In The Deep Fryer

Presto 05450 Dual Daddy Electric Deep Fryer

Some things just go together. Fish and chips. Chicken and fries. Deep-fried Twinkie and battered zucchini. (Okay, I made up that last one, but it probably should be mandatory to have at least some sort of vegetable when eating one of those monstrosities.) Short of having two deep-fryers handling this double-duty frying, this has always meant working in batches to accommodate for different cooking times.

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