Coffee Meant To Whif, Not Sip

Le Whif Coffee

There’s nothing more relaxing that sitting back, slowly sipping on a nice espresso. Or rather, whiffing, not sipping, as some may have it. Le Whif, makers of the chocolate inhaler, now have a coffee inhaler to offer as a complement.

Each Le Whif Coffee stick contains 100 milligrams of caffeine, about as much as a single serve espresso—although it seems it would take nine hits to reach that mark. At about $3 per stick, the price is comparable enough, but something tells me cafés aren’t going to be replaced anytime soon. Or for that matter–since we’re talking about inhalable chocolate and coffee–chocolate covered espresso beans.

(Via Boing Boing and the NY Post)

Parents: should you be wary of whiffing?

Le Whif

It’s a little late for an April Fool’s joke, so let’s consider the Le Whif as a real soon-to-be-everywhere product. Apparently, Harvard professor David Edwards has developed a way to aerosolize chocolate and deliver it via an inhaler.

Available in four flavors, the super-smalled chocolate treat is tiny enough to carry in a pocket or purse. The idea is to partake of whiffing as either a flavor compliment to a meal or as a dietary aid by having the user ingest the micron sized particles instead of actually, you know, eating.

With a not-so-humble approach, the team behind Le Whif considers their innovation as an inevitable conclusion to the evolution of humankind dining. Me, I’ll stick with the fork. However, if you do bite, the makers plan on continuing to surprise by unveiling Le Whaf at the Cannes Film Festival in May.

(Via Wired)