Coffee Meant To Whif, Not Sip

Le Whif Coffee

There’s nothing more relaxing that sitting back, slowly sipping on a nice espresso. Or rather, whiffing, not sipping, as some may have it. Le Whif, makers of the chocolate inhaler, now have a coffee inhaler to offer as a complement.

Each Le Whif Coffee stick contains 100 milligrams of caffeine, about as much as a single serve espresso—although it seems it would take nine hits to reach that mark. At about $3 per stick, the price is comparable enough, but something tells me cafés aren’t going to be replaced anytime soon. Or for that matter–since we’re talking about inhalable chocolate and coffee–chocolate covered espresso beans.

(Via Boing Boing and the NY Post)

NitroCream custom-flavored ice cream in a flash

NitroCream N2-64

Ice cream. Gelato. Frozen Yogurt. Sorbet. All available at your fingertips. In exactly the flavor you want. With the NitroCream N2-64 you can custom create any flavor. Using the fast-freezing power of liquid nitrogen, the patented process blasts out chilly treats in as little as 1-3 minutes.

Simply add your ice cream base into the mixing bowl and let the machine do all the work. The N2-64 simultaneously mixes and freezes, creating whatever flavor you want on demand. Mix in locally grown fresh fruit for a truly customized flavor.

The NitroCream brand is marketed to business owners, and is available for lease or purchase. They certainly put on an impressive show. While at $35,000 I don’t expect to be outfitting my kitchen with one of these, considering the business potential for cafes and some small restaurants, I do expect to be enjoying a bowl of NitroCream sometime soon at a nearby local establishment. Part of the fun, of course, would be coming up with crazy flavors. Good thing you can make as little as one serving at a time!