Handmade Chocolate Zombie Fingers

Chocolate Zombie Fingers

Hands up! Who wants some chocolate?

Oh, sorry.

Okay, we’ll try that again Fists in the air! Who wants some chocolate?

The Handmade (ahem) Chocolate Zombie Fingers come four to a pack. So while you are gnawing down on these this Halloween, keep an eye out for hitchhiking zombies.

Let the stomach (plush) do the talking


You are what you eat, right? In that spirit, it seems only natural to show off these Plush Guts from I Heart Guts. Over a dozen varieties are available, but the one close to my heart has to be the Stomach Plush. (Of course, in the strictest sense, I would have to purchase the Heart Plush too for this to be accurate, but the sentiment is there.)

Continue reading Let the stomach (plush) do the talking