When Pizza’s On A Stovetop…

Pizzacraft PC0601 Pizzeria Pronto Stovetop Pizza Oven

…you can have pizza any time!

The Pizzacraft Pizzeria Pronto Stovetop Pizza Oven is waiting for you. That’s important, because we’re talking about pizza here. Nobody wants to wait for pizza. But it’s not like the microwave is a good option. Well good news for those with a gas stovetop.

The stovetop pizza oven settles in over a gas burner and kicks up home pizza baking to a new level. Like 100 degrees hotter than hot. Yes, this device gets hotter than your conventional oven.

You know what that means: fast cooking pizza with a nice charred crust and hot melty toppings. The Companion Group is behind this pizza gadget and the claim is that it reaches temperatures of 600 degrees F. So far, the reviews on Amazon seem to be in agreement. But I wonder how it does with bagels…