Popcake pops out pancakes automatically

Popcake, the automatic pancake making machine

Pancake eating contests can really put a strain on a kitchen. All the measuring, whisking, pouring and flipping can certainly get in the way of all the other cooking that needs to be done. No offense to all the great pancake chefs out there, but the only fair way to hold a pancake eating contest is to make sure every pancake is exactly the same. While I doubt Popcake, the automatic pancake making machine was made specifically for such events, I’m betting the device is capable of producing some pretty consistent results. At 180 pancakes per hour, it certainly should be able to keep pace.

Teflon coated belts cook the pancakes without fats or oils and deliver the finished pancakes into one convenient stack. Pancake size and color is adjustable, and several varieties of Popcake mix are available. The foodservice industry may not be too interested in pancake eating contests, but for convenient pancake making, Popcake can’t be beat. (It’s also apparently the only automatic pancake making machine available.)

4 thoughts on “Popcake pops out pancakes automatically”

  1. Well, their website looks like they are trying to promote franchises, so whatever it costs, it would require some commitment — no pricing seems to be available. Here is what they say:

    “Exciting franchise opportunities exist for “individual operators” or “multi-site operators” to generate industry leading return on investments.”

  2. Over two years later, pricing is still hard to find — it is designed for commercial operations, so until that time they make it easier to buy, all-you-can-eat pancakes at the local pancake house is the better bet. Mmm, all-you-can-eat-pancakes….

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