Bob Evans New Sausage Design; Still 16-Ounces

The new Bob Evans packaging shows off a more contemporary, yet relaxed look. It depicts Bob Evans’ consistent farm-fresh goodness with images of his farm and his promise.

Package design changes from time to time; the idea is by changing the package, the product will attract new customers. This should come as no surprise, we have all spent an extra second or two hovering over an often-used product that has been repackaged. Usually we decipher the new colors and symbols rather quickly and throw it in the cart without a second thought. For the marketers and designers behind the scenes however, this is very serious business.

Bob Evans announced that the packaging for its food product line will be given an overhaul. An example is the sausage roll pictured above. Hopefully, given the amount of time and effort spent on the redesign they knew enough to not change the amount of sausage in the package from 16-ounces to 12-ounces. (And yes, this post was just an excuse to add that internet-classic link.)

Read the rest of the press release below.

Continue reading Bob Evans New Sausage Design; Still 16-Ounces

Scrabble And Cooking Together At Last

Scrabble Cooking by USAopoly

Together at last! Two obsessive tastes that taste great together! It’s no secret that Scrabble enthusiasts are, well, enthusiastic. Happens to be, so are many chefs about what they do. Scrabble Cooking by USAopoly offers the chance for chefs and Scrabble-fiends the ability to finally see eye-to-eye. Word to the wise however (ahem), and clear up if French words are allowed before you start picking tiles. We wouldn’t want any Scrabble-related injuries over the name of Escoffier.

Continue reading Scrabble And Cooking Together At Last

Cookbook On a Stick!

Matt Armendariz Cookbook: On a Stick!

One might think that cooking food on a stick is simply a matter of sticking food on a stick. (With me so far?) Ah, but there’s a fine art to it. Which foods taste best when on a stick? How to keep food on a stick from falling off of a stick? Does everything taste better on a stick? (Yes.) These are all worthy topics to explore. The new cookbook On a Stick! by Matt Armendariz looks to answer a few of these delicious questions.

Continue reading Cookbook On a Stick!

Tea Rex Tea Infuser Keeps Fun From Going Extinct

Tea Rex Tea Infuser by DCI

It wasn’t too long ago that dinosaurs were all the rage with the kids. Well, those kids grew up and moved on from mac and cheese to more grown-up tastes. That includes ditching the juice-filled sippy-cups for more sophisticated beverages. Like tea. But that doesn’t mean the fun has to be left behind.

The Tea Rex Tea Infuser gives those who don’t want to grow up just yet something to hang on to. The little dinosaur is made to hold loose-leaf tea and includes a chain for easy tea steeping. Fill with your favorite tea leaves, hang it off the side of your teacup and transport yourself to the past.

Ten Food Additives And What They Add (Or Subtract)

Grocery store aisle
Image source: Diana Banana (clickable)

Time for some good weekend reading. Checking out my RSS feed, I find a nice little list of 10 food additives and what they are used for. Yum!

8. Caramel Coloring

When you don’t have real cocoa to put in food, but you want to make it look like you did, you add caramel coloring. This is sometimes added to mixes and cake batters to make them look chocolatey. Mostly, though, caramel coloring is added to cooked meats, sodas and gravies to give them the golden-brown look that people find appetizing. It’s made by cooking up various sugars with agents like ammonium or alkali. Although it’s possibly carcinogenic, it hasn’t been yanked from shelves, because people love brown food. Love it.

If you want to find out what gives popcorn that (not exactly) buttery taste, or what alkali does to chocolate, check out the source link below.

(Via io9)