Dairy Industry Gets On Board Food Truck Craze

Real California Buttermilk Truck Famous Breakfast "Brick" Sandwich from Buttermilk Truck, Los Angeles, Calif. (Photo: Business Wire)

Not prone to miss an opportunity to tell us how good milk is for us, the California Milk Advisory Board has issued a press release using food trucks as an example for how desirable Real California Milk (and cheese) is.

Click on through for the press release, but more importantly, the biscuit recipe from the Buttermilk Truck.

Continue reading Dairy Industry Gets On Board Food Truck Craze

Biscuits And Gravy Machine Is Too Good To Be True

Bob Evans Gravy Dispenser

I like biscuits and gravy. A LOT. I can’t say I have ever tried the Bob Evans version, but considering they have a Bob Evans Gravy Dispenser, I might just have to go hunt one down. Gravy control at the touch of a button? I’m in. And for a buck-ninety-nine apparently. I can’t see how this is gonna last. Let me near that thing and they’ll be outta business in a week!

(Via HT Hackney)

Better baking biscuit butter by Butter Butler

Butter Butler

Novelty food items are a lot of fun, but they usually prove to be ultimately worthless. Sometimes, the fun is just in trying to come up with an actual use for them. In the case of the Butter Butler, there may be no end to the possibilities.

Operating like a Play-Doh Fun Factory the Butter Butler squeezes out fun shapes of butter. Simply place the butter in the gadget, choose a shape and extrude. You probably never thought you would need long strands of butter, but sometimes unnecessity is the mother of invention.

Consider biscuit making. The idea is to cut the butter in without entirely melting it. Also, a minimum of mixing is preferable in any biscuit-making endeavor. So, what if this device actually could help? It’s possible after all. As far as I’m concerned, when biscuits are involved, the more research the better. And hey, if that doesn’t work, I’m sure I could come up with some sort of butter spaghetti application.