Gourmet Toothpicks. Yes, Gourmet. Toothpicks.

Castor Double Flavored Gourmet Toothpick by PhoodStation

If you’re gonna stick something in your mouth, it better be tasty, right? The list of things that may be now includes toothpicks. Not only are these flavored toothpicks we are talking about, they are double-flavored toothpicks — and that’s not counting the meal you are picking out from between your teeth!

The Kickstarter project is in need of your help. However, judging by the response so far, the Castor Double Flavored Gourmet Toothpick by PhoodStation doesn’t need your help all that much. Up to now, the market for flavor powder on flavored wood has been grossly underestimated. You’ll have to wait before you can sink your teeth into one sink one into your teeth though, as the estimated delivery isn’t until October 2014.

Click through to find your favorite flavor. Yes, of course there is bacon. However for some terrible oversight, there does not appear to be a cinnamon toothpick on the list.

Continue reading Gourmet Toothpicks. Yes, Gourmet. Toothpicks.

The Caffeine Infused Slimming Tank Top

The Caffeine Infused Slimming Tank Top

Forget the little black dress, ladies. It’s all about the little black coffee… tank top. Yup, that tank top up there is made from coffee and algae. I’ll just let Hammacher Schlemmer tell you about it:

The soft, stretchy fabric contains micronized caffeine that stimulates lipolysis, the natural breakdown of stored fats, while the embedded brown algae moisturizes and smooths skin.

There you have it: The Caffeine Infused Slimming Tank Top. And, no it does not make you look fat. That super grande venti trenta espresso milkshake sugar whipped cream chocolate mocha monstrosity on the other hand…

Happy Love Day

DCI Heart Whisk with Silicone Coated Wires

Look! Even kitchen whisks wanna get in on the love.

Product Description
Made with Love. Silicone coated heart shaped wires gradating from pink to red. Measures 3.75 x 11.5-inches.


Not only does DCI make this DCI Heart Whisk with Silicone Coated Wires, but they also make a whole bunch of other heart-shaped kitchen gadgets and utensils. Blecch! I mean, awww…

Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull Aprons

Sugar Skulls Apron

Don’t be left hungry for the Day of the Dead! But please, stay neat and tidy while preparing. Above we see the US Handmande CALAVERAS SUGAR SKULLS ROCKABILLY SKELETON LATINO PATTERN COTTON FABRIC REVERSIBLE APRON, “2 APRONS IN 1”, APR 1016. In case you are wondering, there are plenty more Sugar Skull Aprons where that one came from.

Want to make your own sugar skull for Dia de los Muertos? Of course you do. Here’s how!

How to make your own Day of the Dead Sugar Skull.