Star Wars Concepts Rejected From The Kitchen

R2-D2 Portable Wet Bar and Han Solo In Carbonite Popsicle Mold

On a day that comes once every four years, it somehow seems appropriate to take a look at what could have been. That is, what could have been in the kitchen. Action Figure Insider compiled a list of rejected Star Wars paraphernalia. Not surprisingly, there are a few kitchen-specific items.

Who wouldn’t want the R2-D2 Portable Wet Bar or Han Solo In Carbonite Popsicle Mold? Or perhaps you yearn for those “legends of the kitchen table,” salt and pepper shakers. In a world overrun with so much Star Wars merchandise, the question isn’t so much as why when it comes to these potential products, as it is to why not? I know I’m looking forward to summer and would appreciate a Floating Landspeeder Can Koozie!

Check out the full collection that somehow made it into the garbage compactor.

Floating Landspeeder Can Koozie and Star Wars salt and pepper shakers

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