Do birds sing when you enter a room? No? Maybe you can settle for a little music to accompany your entrance. The Guitdoorbell is here to help. Hammacher calls it The Guitar Doorbell, but you can call it whatever you like — and tune it to match.
From the Hammacher Schlemmer description:
The included pitch pipe and chord chart are keyed to enable tuning to a chord that fits the day’s mood or a portal’s intended use, whether a major that welcomes expected company, a pensive minor seventh that “guards” a teen’s bedroom, or a complex diminished when anticipating an in-law that often arrives unannounced via a back door.
If you’re in Sacramento you can get it at The Guitar Workshop on 3248 J Street. Who knows what chord will accompany you as you walk through the door?
They say cooking can be like a symphony — install a Guitdoorbell over all the cupboards and find out!