Work for your nuts

Nutcracker by Blomus

You know who has to work for nutmeat? Squirrels, that’s who. They run around all day and pick up nuts, carrying them in their cheeks. That deserves a reward much more than a walnut (or whatever they eat) can provide. Okay sure, survival may be reward enough on its own, but that’s for squirrels, you are not a squirrel.

However, if you sympathize with the eating and collecting habits of furry rodentia, you too can work for your nuts. The Nutcracker by Blomus may look like a thumbscrew, but it is a torture device of a different nature. Holiday season may commonly feature bowls of mixed nuts everywhere, but it’s going to take you until January to get through them if you crack them one-by-one. Good thing survival doesn’t depend on mixed nuts. (And the fact that the fridge is filled with leftover turkey doesn’t hurt.)

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