Oil and vinegar one drop at a time

Pipette Oil & Vinegar by Design House Stockholm

Sure, you could use an oil mister to dress up your greens, or even the old fashioned way of pouring (gasp!) a mixture over your salad, but I think that’s all a little too last millennium. In this scientific age we all need to embrace the era that we live in. If that includes salad dressing, then so be it. I am prepared to meet the future head on; now you can too.

The Pipette Oil & Vinegar set by Design House Stockholm intends to bring up to date the way that we store and serve our salad essentials. Doling out exact measurements drop by drop, you have full control over your salad. The pipette set, designed by Camilla Kropp, is the perfect serving solution for the precision cook (or budding molecular gastronomist) in all of us.

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